

God Of War - Oracle

Rating:  (7.25)    [29813 views]
Theme: Artistic
Owner: minas
God Of War - Oracle
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User Comments

amalgumistgod writes:
in fact, even most christian movies displayed greek women in outfits unbecoming, sure they did cover up certain parts seeing as it is a christian movie, my point here, u have become an official member of RageQuit

amalgumistgod writes:
yeah honestly, they did in fact dress like that, its well known that most greek women were harlets, i mean they had to be, cuz Greek men preffered little boys of the women so Royofan, check ur facts please, before u start to rage over a picture. sure the lower class didnt, hell they couldnt afford to dress in materials such as that.

chosen1 writes:
its not slutty, its how they dressed in the greek times dumb ass, and its from one of the most bad ass games ever made.

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